Wednesday, July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009
7:00 PM
Lyle Old Elementary School

Attendees: Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Vern Harpole, Barbara Sexton, Mildred Lykens, Marcia Buser, Julie Larson, Glenda Lovejoy. Not present: Mindy Robison, Linda Williams

Agenda item: Survey Plan
Vern attended school board meeting. He reported to board about the formal OLESS meeting and organization, had a work party. Topic of insurance came up and Vern volunteered to research. They will appoint a person to be the school board lease committee by next meeting. They committed to paying the water bill until the end of the year.
Vern called Derrick Brian, ESD Insurance guy for Vancouver School District – they cover policies for 33 school district including Lyle. He is very familiar with this school district and facility. Will research and get back with Vern.
Proposal to attend community councils served by Lyle School district: Dallesport, Appleton, High Prairie. Will consider with OLESS. Community Enrichment for Klickitat County (CEKC).
Survey committee report- call it Lyle Community Visioning Survey. “Lease will be to a Lyle nonprofit community group.”
Finalized survey questions. Print in large print, 1 page front and back, and can add pages if needed.
Survey plan day on Vern – Lyle Snowden, Lori- S of Hwy 14, Bob – Old Hwy 8, Mildred - , Portia – Johnson Rd, Glenda – her street area.
Surveys will be kept in breezeway at Mildred’s. Need rubber bands.
Action items Person responsible
 Finalize and send survey & cover letter to Linda for printing – need 400 copies to drop off to Mildred (218 Klickitat) Bob
 Open gmail account
 Send out email to group when surveys are ready to pick up and start Mildred
 Provide clip board of geographic areas to sign off when doing Marcia
 Meet at 9:00 at school to complete survey Everyone who is available
 Send celebration flyer to Marcia for cover letter Lori

Agenda item: August 14 Celebration Planning
Merchants are struggling with food. Band is lined up. Lori has posters made and put up around town.
Action items Person responsible
 Get bubbles Glenda
 Give merchants ideas for food Vern/Karen
Other topics:

Other topics
 Get Pepsi sign moved – Sherri will contact Pepsi to see if we can get it over here.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

August 10th
at 7:00 PM at Old Lyle Elementary School

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


July 14, 2009

Facilitator: Barbara Sexton Note taker: Marcia Buser

Attendees: Linda Williams, Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Vern Harpole, Barbara Sexton, Mindy Robison, Mildred Lykens, Marcia Buser . Not present: Julie Larson

Purpose: 2nd meeting for Horizons Phase III: Community Visioning. During this phase, the Steering Team will involve the community in developing a Strategic Poverty Action Plan. This will involve surveying community members and sharing the results at a Horizons Community Celebration.


Agenda item: Update on OLESS meeting of 7-13-09


Vern presented update on a very successful meeting. “Great interest and lively bunch of folks.” Vern will fix up sandwich board to post “OLESS Meeting Tonight.” Note: Minutes are posted at:

Agenda item: Lion’s Club Update


Vern will attend meeting first Monday of the month. Vern will let them know that we want to buy ten 1st Saturday Breakfast tickets and ask if they want to contribute any for the raffle.

Agenda item: Survey Plan


Linda provided examples which have demographic-type questions, probably not the questions we need to ask. Sherri provided several questions. Issue of having KPUD paying water through bills. How do we communicate and get buy-in?

Do we want to have a special issue of To The Point newsletter before next schedules one on October 1? Vern dubbed it “More to The Point.” No actions determined on that “point.”

Selected Saturday, August 8 to do a Walk-About survey blitz. Meet at school at 9:00 AM. Steering Team needs to recruit as many others as possible, especially since we want to include all household within the Lyle Fire District.

Vern brought up that 3 people have reported to him that kiteboarders have started being fined $1000 for crossing the railroad to the spit. Requested a question on the survey regarding access to the spit.

Action items:

ü Ask School Board what their thoughts are on getting KPUD to disperse water bill to community - Vern

ü Based on Vern’s response at school board: Get on Community Council agenda to see if we can get community support. Have Terry Mills present – Steering Team will be there to support. -Barbara

ü Subcommittee will develop survey questions and send out to group to review by July 28 - Bob, Lori, Sherri

Agenda item: August 14 Celebration Planning


Barbara contacted music combo from The Dalles – can provide music, jazz, swing. Their minimum prices is $200.

Vern reported all 4 merchants were very responsive to helping with the effort. Each will get $250, Rose will coordinate with Merc, Tap Room, Hotel and Café. Estimate for 250 people.

Action items:

ü See how merchants get part of money up-front & let Vern know - Linda

ü Line up music - Barbara

ü Publicity/newspaper - Karen Harpole

ü Posters, maybe banners. Get up as soon as possible - Lori

ü Replace Cultural Event sign with painted sign – will investigate and do if possible - Mindy

Other topics:

  • Discussion on getting some high school kids involved in planning. Long term need to have more diversity on Steering Team Board
  • Mindy offered to set up a Game Night

Next Meeting Scheduled:

July 29 (or 30th if Julie can’t make it on the 29th)

at 7:00 PM at Old Lyle Elementary School

(no food this time)

Lyle's Horizons Steering Team Meeting Minutes July 9, 2009

Attendees: Linda Williams, Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Vern Harpole, Barbara Sexton, Marcia Buser (notetaker). Not present: Mindy Robison, Mildred Lykens, Julie Larson

Purpose: 1st meeting for Horizons Phase III: Community Visioning. During this phase, the Steering Team will involve the community in developing a Strategic Poverty Action Plan. This will involve surveying community members and sharing the results at a Horizons Community Celebration.


1. Discussion & Decisions:

a. Visioning Process:

Must involve at least 15% of the community. We will do a door-to- door survey, and include not only town, but Old Hwy 8, Canyon Road, Centerville Hwy, Hwy 142 to a designated mileage from Lyle.

Survey should include about 5 questions that are relevant to our Horizons projects.

We will need volunteers to survey assigned areas & handout flyers for Horizons Community Celebration (item 1.c.). Survey plan to be developed at next meeting July 14th – see at end of minutes. May include doing a prize drawing raffle for those completing the survey.

Include other active Horizons participants to help out with survey. They are also welcome to attend Steering Team meetings as non-voting members.

b. Strategic Poverty Action Plan:

Must be submitted by September 1st. Since we are already doing so many of the items, and more, that came out of our Study Circles and Community Forum, we just need to capture them in a plan that includes:

§ Action plan description (What’s the project & why its important)

§ How will this address poverty?

§ Who is involved & their contact information

§ Action steps, including who is responsible and due dates

§ Indicators of success

The Steering Team will write this plan together via email – see related action items below.

c. Horizons Community Celebration:

Planned for Friday, August 14 at 5:30 PM – see related action items below & agenda for next Steering Team Meeting July 14 at end of minutes.

2. Action Items from this Meeting:

a. Visioning Process:

ü Linda – send examples of other communities’ surveys

ü All Steering Team members – submit ideas for survey to Marcia

ü Marcia – draft survey based on ideas submitted

ü Marcia – check on availability of a good county map to use for survey assignments

b. Strategic Poverty Action Plan:

ü Linda – Provide update on budget for Phase III activities (estimated $1500)

ü Linda – investigate setting up workshops for us on grant writing & fundraising, and other possible workshops.

ü Marcia – draft template for plan

ü All Steering Team – help finalize after survey results are compiled.

c. Horizons Community Celebration:

ü Vern – approach Tap Room, Lyle Hotel, Country Café about catering August 14 Celebration

ü Lori – draft flyer for celebration

ü Barbara – check with nephew for live music

d. Other Action Items:

ü Bob - contact Gorge Net for possible wi-fi hot spot at school & report at OLESS meeting on July 13.

ü Lori – make flyers & post for OLESS meeting on Monday July 13.

ü Vern – approach Lion’s Club to see if he can give updates on Horizons activities and create a better partnership with them

ü Linda – send out information on upcoming food preservation class (?July 27?)

ü Marcia – will serve as point of contact for Steering Team

Next Steering Team Meeting:

Tuesday, July 14 - 6:00 PM at Old Elementary School

(Potluck dinner meeting)


§ Update on OLESS meeting (Vern)

§ Celebration Planning (all)

§ Survey Plan – final draft & implementation plan (all)

§ Lion’s Club update (Vern)
