Wednesday, July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009
7:00 PM
Lyle Old Elementary School

Attendees: Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Vern Harpole, Barbara Sexton, Mildred Lykens, Marcia Buser, Julie Larson, Glenda Lovejoy. Not present: Mindy Robison, Linda Williams

Agenda item: Survey Plan
Vern attended school board meeting. He reported to board about the formal OLESS meeting and organization, had a work party. Topic of insurance came up and Vern volunteered to research. They will appoint a person to be the school board lease committee by next meeting. They committed to paying the water bill until the end of the year.
Vern called Derrick Brian, ESD Insurance guy for Vancouver School District – they cover policies for 33 school district including Lyle. He is very familiar with this school district and facility. Will research and get back with Vern.
Proposal to attend community councils served by Lyle School district: Dallesport, Appleton, High Prairie. Will consider with OLESS. Community Enrichment for Klickitat County (CEKC).
Survey committee report- call it Lyle Community Visioning Survey. “Lease will be to a Lyle nonprofit community group.”
Finalized survey questions. Print in large print, 1 page front and back, and can add pages if needed.
Survey plan day on Vern – Lyle Snowden, Lori- S of Hwy 14, Bob – Old Hwy 8, Mildred - , Portia – Johnson Rd, Glenda – her street area.
Surveys will be kept in breezeway at Mildred’s. Need rubber bands.
Action items Person responsible
 Finalize and send survey & cover letter to Linda for printing – need 400 copies to drop off to Mildred (218 Klickitat) Bob
 Open gmail account
 Send out email to group when surveys are ready to pick up and start Mildred
 Provide clip board of geographic areas to sign off when doing Marcia
 Meet at 9:00 at school to complete survey Everyone who is available
 Send celebration flyer to Marcia for cover letter Lori

Agenda item: August 14 Celebration Planning
Merchants are struggling with food. Band is lined up. Lori has posters made and put up around town.
Action items Person responsible
 Get bubbles Glenda
 Give merchants ideas for food Vern/Karen
Other topics:

Other topics
 Get Pepsi sign moved – Sherri will contact Pepsi to see if we can get it over here.

Next Meeting Scheduled:

August 10th
at 7:00 PM at Old Lyle Elementary School

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