December 10, 2009
Attendees: Portia Masterson, Julie Larson, Bob Hansen, Lori Hull, Sherri Starkin, Barbara Sexton, Mildred Lykens, Marcia Buser (Note taker), Vern Harpole, Roger Hull.
Agenda item: Updates from Linda
Lorie reported on these updates from Linda:
1) The $1500 for Lyle has to go through a non-profit so Linda is setting up paperwork for it to go to the 4H Leadership council and then it can be transferred to the CEKC. Expect in about a week.
2) Another statewide Horizons leadership workshop is being planned for March 19-20 in Moses Lake at Big Bend CC. We can send 6 people, more if other communities do not fill their allotments. No bus, but carpools will be arranged with gas vouchers available. Meals and rooms are covered. Specific workshops are not finalized but will compliment last year’s topics.
Barbara, Sherri, Don, Mildred, Lorie, Portia and Marcia are interested although some of us will gladly not go if it means some other people in our community can go in order to develop more community leaders. Other possible community members identified were Pam Essley, Risi Howard and some of our youths.
3) Local workshops: funds available to have 4 workshops locally in Feb-March. Possible topics include grant information and using census information for grant writing. Probably would have at least 2 of the workshops at the Lyle Activity Center.
4) How we are doing on the Horizons “Wheel.” Linda says we are right on track. Our action items were approved. We just need to keep work on them. Linda will have reports due and will let us know when.
Action items Person responsible
Send email to all Study Circle Participants to invite them to March 9-10 workshop Not yet assigned
Agenda item: Cultural Exchange
Discussion: Lorie was concerned that there are not enough people interested to make it happen as no one could meet last Monday. Jill Arens still wants to do it. Need enough people from Lyle involved. Planning meeting will be January 6, time to be determined. Group felt that there was enough interest.
Agenda item: Holiday Celebration
Discussion: Barbara said that help is needed to decorate the tree for Santa’s caravan of lights. She will send out an email when it will be as it is weather dependent. The Council also needs more volunteers to set up on Saturday, Dec 19 at 4:00 PM at the LAC.
Agenda item: What’s Different in Lyle thanks to Horizons
Discussion: Group debriefed some of the things that are different in Lyle than a year ago:
§ Better communication - Information on what is happening is sent on via email, posted on the Lyle website and the blog.
§ Can sit down and talk… and have things to talk about!
§ Getting things done.
§ We have established common values.
§ Have a building for a community center that could have just been a pile of rubble.
§ Brought long time residents together with newcomers.
§ Less apathy and disinterest.
§ Businesses are talking to each other, wineries have gotten together for their common benefit,
§ We can ask each other for support and get it.
§ More attendance at Community Council meetings
§ Lots more information in the Lyle newsletter.
§ Community is paying for the LAC and park water now.
Agenda item: Kiosk
Discussion: Still need some central spot for posting information on community happenings. Several spots discussed – the LAC, the rose bush by the Blue Building, the Klickitat Trailhead, the Lyle Merc. May be several and can include different sections like permanent information, ads for local businesses and services and event announcements.
Action items Person responsible
Check with Klickitat Co Tourism Board to find out status of their community kiosk project Vern
Agenda item: Tour de Fleur
Discussion: This idea started out as a fundraiser for the LAC, however it seems to be more of an economic stimulus activity for Lyle. So far 4 organizations have agreed to schedule hikes or bike rides out of Lyle that day: Friends of the Gorge, KTC, Native Plant Society and Portland Wheelman Touring Club (cyclists). Should follow the model of inviting vendors to set up at the LAC and charge a nominal fee, and have some modest fund raising activities at the LAC. The Horizons team was supportive of the Tour de Fleur as a way to promote Lyle and benefit local businesses.
The OLESS fundraising committee is meeting on Dec 15 and will discuss further. The committee is looking at a fundraising houseparty as a more effective way to raise money with less effort. Lisa, Bob and Marcia met with a woman in Mosier last week who did a houseparty and raised a significant amount for the Rowena Wildlife Clinic. They got a lot of good ideas from her. She followed the instructions in the book: The Fundraising Houseparty: How to Party with a Purpose and Raise Money for Your Cause by Morrie Warshawski
Agenda item: Supporting the Lyle Merc/Promoting Community Health
Discussion: Since becoming a county health officer, Vern has learned the benefits of a community garden and the elements required for success: a school, and economic stimulus and grocery store. There are a lot of positive health effects with a community garden.
Another part of this discussion revolved around ways we could buy groceries from the Merc that we now go to Hood River or The Dalles for on a weekly basis.
Action items Person responsible
See if there is a school faculty member interested in championing a community garden Vern
Talk to Cap and Lisa about selling com. garden produce, do custom ordering for community members Vern
Other topics:
§ Vern will see if Lyle Merc is still having issues with a homeless person
Next Meeting Scheduled:
February 4, 2010
@ 6:45 PM at Lyle Activity Center
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